Hacio’r Iaith – what it is, why it is and what happened (monster post!)

Neges o’r prif swyddfa: ar un adeg roedd fy mlog yn Saesneg pan o’n i’n ceisio gwella fy sgiliau Cymraeg. Felly mae’r blogiad hwn dim ond ar gael yn English – achos mae’n hen.

6 Ateb i “Hacio’r Iaith – what it is, why it is and what happened (monster post!)”

  1. Good write up, Carl, and good to meet you. I think one of the interesting things about the day was meeting people you ‘know’ without actually having ‘met’ (virtually or otherwise) – it was also good to get to say hello to Duw from Maes-E.com…:-)

    In the terms you’re using, I like to think of SaySomethinginWelsh.com as a semi-walled garden – most of the forum is open to read for visitors – registering is only for people who want to contribute/download the lessons. It’s an interesting, and evolving, balance – not a pattern we’re necessarily committed to, but it seems to be working fairly well so far.

    Did you see the Casgliad y Bobl presentation? Some really interesting stuff happening there…

  2. Aran, I think about availability of open Welsh language content a lot, that’s mainly why I asked. Obviously that might not be appropriate for certain projects. If there’s one thing to learn from Facebook it can be difficult to change the original bargain with users, especially regarding privacy and related issues. In your case, in theory, if you wanted to change the closed content to open then you’d need everyone’s consent. It could be difficult to obtain…

    I missed Casgliad y Bobl but I hope to see the video. It’ll be online soon hopefully.

    Rhys, Aran, diolch am sylwadau!

  3. It was an interesting question. Not much of our content is Welsh language, though, as it happens! – we’re very keen to make sure that learners don’t feel that they have to contribute in written Welsh to be part of a community of Welsh learners – which seems to be the right approach so far.

    Fair point re: changing deals. I think we have a different original deal to Facebook – we don’t tell users that they are setting up a private profile in any way – the feel is pretty public from the off – we switched some forums from registered only to public read a while back, and no-one seemed to notice or care…:-) I don’t think we needed consent for that (although it did, as it happens, follow a public discussion of the point on the forum), because we made no initial statements about the forum being open or closed to non-registered visitors.

Mae'r sylwadau wedi cau.