4 Replies to “Paid prynu iPad – os oes unrhyw ddiddordeb gyda ti yn yr iaith”

  1. There is quite a lot of Welsh language content/apps available on the iPhone, which will all be available on the iPad by default.. A quick search for Welsh on the iTunes store finds quite a bit…

  2. Maybe so, but can you run your own OS on it?

    The lack of freedom to modify and share software makes itself known when the user wants the ENTIRE experience in their own language.

    The biggest problem is the fact native apps have to be approved and are solely available through the app store. Even proprietary OS platforms allow the freedom to run software from anywhere, e.g. Microsoft Windows.

    This is one huge reason to consider any alternatives to iPad, particularly those running an open source OS.

  3. It’s been designed as a media/content consumption machine, not something you can use to hack and create in the way you could with a proper OS. But it’s not being pitched as a machine that can do these things, is it?

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