I’m going to be writing more about politics on this blog.
My interest is how politics might relate to technology, business and “ordinary” people in the UK – with a particular emphasis on Wales.
As a personal rule I try and stay away from the various personalities and day-to-day machinations, allegiances, squabblings, who wore what clothes and so on.
More generally, I’m not even a party political blogger.
Some of those things can be important (and entertaining), but they’re not what I specialise in. If you want to read that stuff it is available online.
I’ll carry on writing about the stuff I otherwise write about. Quixotic Quisling is deliberately an “anti-brand” which can contain anything I want for the next x years. Sometimes things converge into sense as you go along, if you know what I mean.
Don’t hold me to ANY of these things either. Any or all of them might change at some point. It’s my blog.
Now I’ve got the disclaimers out the way, on with the next post!