Profiad cyntaf o bostio ar BuzzFeed

Dw i’n chwilfrydig am BuzzFeed ac wedi postio cofnod am eiriau Cymraeg heno. Dylai pobl fel BBC Radio Wales creu pethau fel hyn yn lle annog gwrandawyr i ymosod ar yr iaith!

Ar hyn o bryd nad yw’r dolenni allanol (rysáit y cawl ayyb) na’r fideo YouTube (Rhys Iorwerth ar y bidet, fel petai) yn gweithio felly dw i wedi gofyn i BuzzFeed am help. Gweler diweddariad isod.

Wedyn byddai fe’n hwyl i fynd yn ‘feiral’ gyda rhywbeth Cymreig – o leiaf unwaith. Pam ddim? Wedyn dw i moyn creu ambell i listicle arall (list + article). Eisoes mae Lois Gwenllian wedi creu listicle ar y 90au ac mae Nwdls yn cynnig ‘rhestryn’, ‘rhestripŵs’ i ddechrau’r sgwrs derminoleg hanfodol yma.

T.H. Parry-Williams

Gyda llaw yn y broses o bostio i BuzzFeed creuais i fy GIF wedi’i animeiddio cyntaf. Dw i’n credu bod defnydd o GIMP yn haws na beth gwnes i. Dw i’n bwriadu sgwennu canllaw ar Hedyn ar sut i greu ffeiliau GIF cyn hir i’r rhai sydd eisiau gwneud pethau fel T.H.P.W. uchod.

Y tro yma yn hytrach na GIMP gwnes i gyfres o orchmynion ImageMagick ar Lubuntu (hynny yw, Linux). Roedd y broses bach yn hirwyntog: ar ôl i mi gipio rhaglen oddi ar S4C Clic, gwnes i dynnu fframiau unigol fel llwyth o ffeiliau JPG ac wedyn tynnu nhw at eu gilydd i greu’r GIF.

DIWEDDARIAD 1/04/2013: Mae BuzzFeed wedi ymateb:

Rachel Brandt (BuzzFeed)
Apr 01 12:15 PM


When new users make posts, embeds and links don’t work until their account has been “approved.” This is to prevent spammers from publishing posts that are links to their spammy web sites or videos, but it has the unfortunate consequence of affecting good users who are trying to use links or videos for good reasons.

Normally, we like new users to be a part of the BuzzFeed community prior to creating posts with links, so that is why you were running into issues. However, as an exception, I just went in and moderated your account for you. Since your account has now been approved, it won’t happen anymore to your posts. Please allow the cache to clear (should take about 15 minutes) and then your links should be good to go. Let me know if you need anything else.



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