3 Ateb i “My own Scrabble victory”

  1. Bydda rhaid i ti ymuno â grŵp Scrabble Cymraeg ar Flickr. Dim ond dau berson sydd wedi bod digon trist i bostio lluniau yna (Rhodri Nwdls a fi).

    Before playing the Welsh version, I wasn’t that interested in the game, but now I’m really into the Englsih one as well.

    I can well believe the story about Asian non-fluent speakers beating fluent ones.
    Despite my wife learning Welsh to a fairly fluent level, her vocabulary is still much smaller than mine, yet she would still beat me nearly every time as she was a more skilled Scrabble player, looking out for the high scores.

  2. I’ve recently tasted scrabble victory too. (BTW – it doesn’t go too well with gravy OR custard.) And I have a similar flair for sporting mediocrity too. Ok. I can chuck a frisbee – the geekiest of ‘sports’ but that’s about it.

    But mostly, my competitive streak comes out for Quizzes. I know a lot of the stuff that seems to get asked in quizzes and when I don’t know, I’m often pretty good at educated guesses too. (Of course we’re not talking about Sport questions.) I guess neither of us has the sporting-gene?

    Anyway: congratulations on your lexicographical conquests!


  3. Hi, my friends and I are scrabble enthusiast who play scrabble every weekend.

    However, of late, arguments have cropped up on the permitted words that can be used in scrabble which can be quite contradictory.

    For example, we use the 4th edition Meriam Webster official scrabble player’s dictionary as reference.

    The rules of scrabble states that no abbreviations of words are allowed.

    The point of argument arise when words like ‘doc’ or ’mag’ which are short-forms or abbreviated words for doctor or magazines.

    So how do we solve this problem?…is the scrabble dictionary used as a form of reference only or as the as the accepted cannon (meaning whatever words that is in the dictionary is allowed to be placed on the board).
    What are your thoughts and what advise would you give.

Mae'r sylwadau wedi cau.