Dafydd Elis-Thomas vs. Teledu amlblatfform

Dw i wedi bod yn meddwl am “amlblatfform” yn y cyd-destun S4C. Mae pobol yn y diwydiant teledu yn defnyddio’r term trwy’r amser. Pa fath o amlblatfform teledu ydyn ni eisiau am bobol yng Nghymru a’r iaith Gymraeg?

Dw i’n bwriadu archwilio’r term, chwilio am gyfleoedd ac efallai dysgu rhywbeth. Hoffwn i colli’r cysylltnod a felly didswyddo’r dirgelwch ychydig. Gweler fy nghofnodion eraill am amlblatfform.

Yn cofnod diwethaf Click on Wales, Cultural revolution will not be televised, mae Mari Beynon Owen yn ailadrodd rhywbeth sydd wedi poeni fi yn 2010.

(Dyw fersiwn Gymraeg o’r erthygl ddim ar gael yn anffodus. Dw i wedi meddwl amdano fe a does dim problem gyda fi yn cofnodion am S4C yn Saesneg neu unrhyw iaith arall. Ond hoffwn i weld mwy o’r sgwrs am S4C yn yr iaith Gymraeg. Mae’n teimlo fel cyfle ar goll. Dylai sgyrsiau perthnasol llifo trwy’r iaith. Mae’n priodol. Os dyn ni’n difrifol am arlein ac amlblatfform yn yr iaith Gymraeg, dylen ni dechrau yn 2011.)

Gwnaf i ddefnyddio dyfyniad gwreiddiol.

If we were setting out today to create and define a new cultural and media agenda, would we go about establishing a television channel? I suggest we wouldn’t.

One could argue that the concept of a core audience whose loyalty to the ‘brand’ overrides the remote is no longer valid for any broadcaster. Laptops, mobile phones, i-apps now deliver to us a multiplicity of information, entertainment and realities. The active user demands interactive pleasure from several different sources.

If we were creating a new media and cultural agenda today what would be required? The new media service would in all probability provide a platform on which several different content providers could be positioned, supplying content blocks which would be programmed by genre. These would include lifestyle, drama, arts, sports, but also social networks, online communities, access, support and streaming services, as well as national and local news channels. This is what I mean by multi-vision rather than television…

Am y tro anghofia’r amrywiaeth o wasanaethau (“streaming services”), platfformau (“national and local news channels”), dyfeisiau (“mobile phones”), genres cynnwys (“drama, arts”).

Dylen ni bod yn ofalus yma. Dyw technoleg newydd ddim yn disodli’r dechnoleg gynt.

(Dw i ddim yn siŵr iawn am y teitl “cultural revolution” chwaith, mae’n atgoffa fi o addewidion ac addunedau gwag yn hanes Tsieina.)

Mae Dafydd Elis Thomas wedi bod yn chwarae gyda syniadau debyg yn diwethaf.

“Everything has to be up for grabs. I don’t see any point in protecting the name or the brand of S4C.

“The idea that our priority should be to save a television channel appears to me to be bizarre because what we want to be looking for is as much Welsh language content with sufficient choice across as many platforms as possible. Obviously, it is a help if there is an identifiable place where some of this can be found.

“Now, I’m not sure a whether a broadcast channel run by an authority should be the repository of that; in fact, I don’t think it should be because we are well beyond that.”

Efallai mae’r dau ohonyn nhw yn euog o’r Displacive Fallacy. Geiriau gan Daniel J. Boorstin, llyfrgellydd a meddyliwr:

… we must be wary of falling into a common fallacy in the interpretation of history. This is what I call the Displacive Fallacy.

We are tempted to think – and this may be due in part to our excessive faith in technology – that, just as a victorious army defeats its enemies, so the new technology conquers the old technology. It is easy to find examples of mistaken prophecies based on the Displacive Fallacy. For example, there were confident predictions that the telephone would abolish the mail. There were firm predictions that the radio would make the telephone obsolete. That the phonograph would be the end of live concerts. That television would be the end of radio. Then, of course, that television would abolish the book. And now, that the computer will displace humankind.

All these predictions were based on a misconception. Shall we say a teleological misconception? A misconception about the purpose or end for which people invent technology and develop their institutions. It is a misconception which is quite un-American. For it rests on the notion that technology is simply a way to satisfy fixed needs. If you satisfy the needs in one way, then you won’t have to satisfy them in another way. The history of technology and of institutions is not, however, the story of “instead.” It is the story of “also.”

Pa grwpiau eraill yn galw am farwolaeth y brif sianel am ryw fath o weledigaeth technoleg gyffrous? Ydy CNN neu Al Jazeera yn mynd arlein yn unig? Beth am sianeli BBC? Gadawa sylw os ti’n ffeindio enghraifft.

O’r dyfyniad Elis-Thomas dw i ddim yn hoffi “across as many platforms as possible” chwaith. Heblaw “platfformau pobol” (e.e. BitTorrent), pam? Pam fasen ni ddim yn dewis y platfformau mwyaf priodol am ein pwrpasau?

Chwaraeodd Elis-Thomas rhan fawr yn farwolaeth “platfform” Cymraeg arall yn 2010, Y Cofnod gydag addewid o “dechnoleg fodern mewn ffordd fwy dyfeisgar” – rhyw fath o iawndal amwys yn rhyw dyfodol amhendant.

Nawr mae fe eisiau cael gwared o’r unig sianel teledu Cymraeg yn y byd. Dyw hwn ddim yn swnio fel amlblatfform go iawn i fi.